Saturday, December 31, 2005

What's at Steak

I never thought I would have a worse steak then at "Best Steak House" in East Lansing. But the other day, I found worse at Outback Steak House. Their sirlion was so bad, they had to refund me for it. I hadn't realized that place has gone so far down hill that a steak house doesn't even know how to cook a steak medium well. Now granted a sirlion tends to be the bottom of the steak family, I'd at least expect it to be better then a Crunchie burger.

Now I don't mean to be bitter toward "Best Steak House". I would like to encourage people to check out their Steak sandwich, the best in the Lansing area. On Tuesday's its under $5 with fries. If you go with their steak, pay the extra price for a better cut. BSH is on Kalamazoo rd in E. Lansing, and is family owned.

Oh... and Happy New Year!

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