Saturday, February 25, 2006

Why HD-DVDs are Piss Poor

This article by IGN sums up the whole farce behind HD-DVD pretty well. Its worth the the read, so go now and learn what's going on to your media.

And yes, Sony is behind this one to, along with other corporate cronies. My question I have for Sony and Toshiba. Will the new format scratch as easily as DVDs? Of course not.

Sadly to say, the whole scratching thing has me renting VHS instead of DVDs, because there's a good chance the last guy already scratched the damn thing. Then again, you can scratch these things if you breath on them wrong. Sigh, and people wonder why I've become so anti-corporate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got the gist of the article you linked to, but… Well… sometimes it’s really hard to understand computer jocks with all the techy-lingo they use. PS3, TI-HDCP chip, ATI, AACS-HDCP loop… I think you’re all pretty ‘loopy’!!! Maybe I’m just too old and/or technologically ignorant, but I want plain English for what seems to be a very important subject! ~CT/NY