Sunday, April 09, 2006

Apple Bytes

Originally posted my other web log The Computer Gamer.

Apple gamers are rejoicing around the world. Their time has come that they can finally play real games on their over-priced Macs. Its kinda old news at this point, but there's a bigger meaning to all this that I haven't really read about.

In a nutshell, the newer macs can now run the Microsoft XP operating system, through a dual boot procedure. This means on boot up, the Mac user can now choose either OS. From a performance stance, its amazing to see some of the early benchmarks. Where users are actually getting better frame-rates while in Windows mode, as opposed to its native Mac OS X mode.

But here's the bigger story. The Mac OS is now dead. The concept of dual booting is nothing new. Heck, I even ran a sextet boot system before. You see, once the novelty wears off, the general user of a double OS breaks down to 95% to 5%. It can be very frustrating having to boot back and forth, so eventually, the user will conform to the above percentage. Once the so called "graphic designer" realize that their software can run faster using the MS XP OS, the game will be over.

Yet there's more to all this. As the Macs, for all it hardware branding, has no real Apple hardware in it. Not for a long time infact. Once IBM and Motorola, now its Intel and ATI. Sortta like buying a GM Geo, just to find out you really just bought a Toyota. This is all a shame really, since Apple was supposed to be an alternative to the norm.

So in the near future, what exactly are you buying when you purchase that shiny new Mac Mini, or Mac Book. Basically, an over priced system with amazing branding in marketing. Like Bose speakers. So spend away Mac users, and enjoy the games, but watch out for the viruses.

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