Friday, April 14, 2006

Religious Zealots

Since this is Jeff at MSU, I've decided to turn my attention to MSU for a bit.

With the nice weather back in Michigan, its time to open the windows, and listen to the sounds of spring at MSU. You know; song birds, bell chimes, and religious zealots at Wells Hall. Every year, at this time the religious folk come out of the wood work to praise Jesus, and tell us Armageddon is near. If its a nice day, you can bet, some group will be out. Its weird, because its always just one group per day, almost as if they have a schedule so there's no conflict when we're all gonna die.

They seem louder this year, then in years past, yet it seems they get less attention. I remember when I was a student, people would gather around and listen, or argue back. Now, its more like a KKK rally, where if you ignore them they'll get louder, but eventually go away. Its almost like there's religious saturation. We've heard it so much now, people don't really care.

In the end, these zealots are the sad ones. Yelling and screaming, and no one to listen. Oddly enough, they never come out in the snow, or a rainy day. Well, I guess they have their priorities strait.

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