Tuesday, September 09, 2008

They Must Think Your Stupid

Finally. Obama says something I was thinking, referring to the Republican opposition "They must think your stupid."

We live in the time of the information age. We have sites like:

Fact Check.org (often down due to heavy traffic, but best for politics)
Snopes - misc urban legends

These sites do a clear job of cutting through all the bullshit, especially the political variant. Yet we continue to see people send the lame emails, and hear the same old "stump" speeches that have already been debunked.

For example, Palin keeps talking up the Bridge to Nowhere, and how she save taxpayers millions. Now the Facts: She actually once supported it, then when Governor, she stopped the program, but kept the over 100 million dollars for the state anyways. Yet just yesterday, she was continuing to tell the same old story about the Bridge project. Nevermind the Bridge project was a republican idea.

A quick tally shows about 10:1 ratio of lies, where the Republicans lie more then Democrats.

They must think your stupid.

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