Monday, February 09, 2009

Recycling Fails Miserably

This weekend, the Lansing area attempted a free electronic recycling drop off. The result: 2 hour plus lines of idle traffic and a whole lot of non recycling. Organizers are calling it a success, as turnout was huge (100,000 pounds of e-stuff). But the reality, they contributed to a mass burn of fuels due to their unorganized manner of collection. If they needed more hands, they should have asked. I'm sure folks will donate their time for a good cause.

Another problem we faced, was how they handled traffic. Imagine a one lane road for each direction. The opened up the southbound lane (from the city), disallowing turns into the facility. This allowed traffic to flow south. However, this forced those majority from the city to drive past and turn around to go north bound, once they found the end of the line. To add to the confusion, folks traveling north, that knew nothing of the recycling event, were stuck in the same line, adding to the wait.

Some day, folks might actually think stuff out before they act. Someday soon hopefully. As they will try this again in May.

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