Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why Gov Jindal was a Poor Choice

Of all the Republicans to choose from, Republicans selected Governor Jindal from Louisiana to deliver the GOP response. But of all the folks that are critical of Obama's stimulus package, Jindal is the worst choice. Here's why...

After Hurricane Katrina, the gulf region eventually received massive federal aid to help assist those affected and help rebuild the region. FEMA, USACoE, and many other agencies chipped in Federal funds to help. Along with the money, all types of programs, including mortgage and foreclosure relief. This is money and program aids, that are still being pumped into the region (primarily Louisiana) today!

Now that and economic tsunami has swept across the globe, threatening not only global economies, but also our own security. Governors in Mississippi and Louisiana have been critical of the 787 billion dollar plan, as the video demonstrates...

Now for some numbers...

Finding data is a bit difficult, but this should give the general idea. FEMA has poured at least 50 billion into the region to relocate and rebuild. The Army Corps of Engineers have dumped 14.3 billion. Considering I'm missing all types of other agencies, and this does not account for the continuous work still happening, lets call it a cool $100 billion that is been put toward the region.

According to the US Census Bureau, less then 10 million residents were effected by Katrina. That's a pretty generous number, considering this accounts for some northern counties that simply got a good ole wash down. But lets go with it.

So if you break down the funds from the fed per person, you get $10,000 per person in that region.

So now Obama wants to dish out $787 billion to the entire country. So we have (rounding up) 306,000,000 people in this country. That breaks down to $2,571 per person.

This should clear things up a bit more for folks, on exactly why some Governors are quick to criticise the package, they've been swimming in bailout funds for a few years now.

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