Saturday, January 21, 2012

SOPA/PIPA Dead; OPEN is Next

So how'd we get here?  Explained:
RED = Congressional Disapproval

BLACK = Congressional Approval
2009, Democrats seize control of Congress, Hope is in the air.  Job loss stops to slip.  Approval spikes.  Reality sets in, a 2 party system is still a two party system.  Misinformation on Health bill leads to increased distrust.  Congress looses trace of job market, which has flat lined.  Tea Party rises up on the backs of additional misinformation and hate for tax increase proposals...for the rich and other government regulation.  2011 republicans are back, along with their new found Tea Party friends.  Hope.  Approval rises.  2 months later, reality sets in.  Could it be, those that rode the TP band wagon have been run over by their very own bus?  Indeed.  Gridlock.  Approval drops to record low 9%.  Boehner cries.

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