Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Akin to Disaster

If I was a woman, I'd be mad as hell. So, I'm just mad.

I've really tried to keep this blog clean of politics.  But after the Todd Akin fiasco, some things just need to be laid out in plain English.

While the GOP is asking Todd to step aside (more in fear that he'd loose, and not directly on his beliefs), the GOP DOES support the ideals that Akin holds dear to his heart.  This is not an act of one man.

Over the last few years, the definition of rape has been under attack by GOP members (including Mitts VP nominee) and Blue Dog Democrats.  Luckily such bill (statutory rape, the rape of a drugged or mentally impaired woman, or any rape where the rapist did not use physical force would not be considered rape) was struck down by the democrat majority Senate.

In the Michigan House, a Democrat was censored when she used the word vagina while debating abortion law from the Republican controlled majority.  The next day she was suspended from participating in the debate.  Perhaps next time she shall no longer use the correct terminology, and go with 'that special place'.

In 31 states (as per 2010 data), men who father through rape are able to assert the same custody and visitation rights to their children that other fathers enjoy.  Wanna take bets what states?

Its these ideals that send millions of funds via super-pacs to the Romney camp.

Akin continues to sit on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee.  Don't you think if the GOP really wanted to distance themselves, they would have suspended him from the committee?  How the hell did a guy get on the committee; who thinks a woman that had a miscarriage, really didn't want that child bad enough? How the hell did a guy who thinks a woman that was raped, whom goes full term, secretly justified the rape? Biden may be poor at his words, but nothing goes to this level.

If the GOP is serious, remove Todd Akin from the SST committee.  A man who "thinks with his heart, then with his brain" is not a qualifier for the position.

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