Wednesday, September 05, 2012

US Unemployment Reality Check

Talking to my grandmother-in-law last week while watching the GOP convention, I'm reminded why I can't stand the party anymore.  The misinformation is staggering.  Quoting sources from gossip magazines, and other fine literature, I'm baffled over just how easily manipulated our society has become.

Lets looks at the main thing on our minds: Jobs.

Looking at the graph above, you'll see in red, the actual underemployment rate.  No secret, unemployment rate got worse while Obama was president.  But for heavens sack, lets go back a whopping 5 years ago if we can.  The US economy was looking at its worst since the great depression.  Dubbed the Financial Crises of 2008, it was primarily driven by the failed Greenspan experiment.  Not even God himself could turn around the economy, given the mess that was created, along with world wide problems (Europe economy fail, Japan tsunami, etc).  And yet, listening to Mitt's campaign, it would seem, that's exactly what the American people thought would happen (see graph in blue).

A few facts to be taken from this graph...

  • In his first year, Obama stopped the slide of unemployment from reaching Reagan levels.
  • Yes, Reagan had a worse unemployment in '82 & '83.
  • After Obama's first year in office, unemployment began to decrease.
  • Unemployment is near the same spot, as when he took over.
  • Republican proposals shadow 2008 ideals.
  • I've also listed when the full part of Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") goes into effect on the graph.

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