Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Who's running for President - Fox Edition

Fox news ran an article on election day about the increase of Google searches for the query, "who is running for president" so close to election day.  It's a meaningless article, given trends for anything election related will spike, and 100 is the peak for any given search word, its not an actual number.  In the article, the writer makes fun of the ignorant, hopeless folks making such a search, so close to election day.  Almost alluding to the poor, uneducated.

Anyways, lets just go with this for a moment.  First of all, Fox News had been looking at the world wide stats, as seen on their image ...oops.

Next, I filtered down to the USA.  When you break it down by state, here's where the humor lies.  While I'd expect the large number of searches to come from the most populous states (CA, TX, NY), it turns out the large volume came from smaller populous states.  Red States.  Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama; all ranked the highest in trying to figure out who was running for president, week of the election.  Following Alabama are more red states, Indiana, North Carolina, Texas, and Oklahoma in that order.

Click image for larger view

So good job Fox, making fun of your viewers, and please, don't fuck with stats.

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