Thursday, December 20, 2012

Gun Control

Its all been said already. Its all been said before.  My take, its simple.  I respect firearms.  I find target practice to be fun.  The more kick the gun has, the greater the thrill.

But that's what it really boils down to; a thrill.  A drug "junkie" finds cocaine, LSD, heroin, etc to be a thrill.   Driving over 150 mpg is a thrill.   Yet, the majority of society, finds all such thing that are enjoyable, must be moderated.  Not for the individual, but rather for the safety of others.

Assault weapons are no different.

Assault weapons serve one purpose.  To kill as many people as humanly possible. Assault weapons, to be vague; are for assault, not defense.  If people are insecure, fine.  Carry a side arm like a 9mm.  But if you feel the need to own an military grade weapon.  Then consider yourself insecure, and in need of some major therapy.  If you like the feel of power such as speed, there are race tracks you can take your car.  Military grade weapons, should be no different.  People can go to designated places to deal with their addictions.  Check out a gun, squeeze off a few rounds, the check their toy back in, before leaving.  Simple.

Here's what we leaned in the aftermath of yet another school shooting.
  • Nothing is going to change
  • A very small percentage actually understand the gun laws of this and other countries
  • Very few people understand what its like to loose a child
  • Assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and bombs serve one purpose, killing en mass
  • White suburban parents need to take a reality check
  • America is a gun culture; America has a gun problem
  • Lock-down procedures don't work against assault rifles
  • The republican nominated Supreme Court members failed the children of Sandy Elementary
  • Owning an assault rifle won't protect you or your loved ones
  • If your need high capacity mags to protect your family or to hunt; you're doing it wrong.
  • Americans are paranoid
  • We are in the age of cutbacks, there is no funding for any additional mental health.
  • There was an armed security guard at Columbine HS; guns were at the Az shooting; James Brady was surrounded by the nations top guns, didn't help.

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