Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ice Ice ...too cool; too cool

Over the Christmas holiday, the mid-Michigan area was blasted by an ice storm measuring an inch thick followed by record cold temps.  Trees broken, damage to property, and indeed many without power for 2 weeks.  Hundreds of thousands of consumers were effected.

 So, how did we get by?  First, there was no state of emergency, no national guard, no cleaning out the stores while hording supplies, and no fleecing of taxpayer funds.  Power companies called in outside help from other states. Residents simply hunkered down, using that fireplace or generator.  Don't have one? Drain your water so the pipes don't freeze and find a relative or friend with power.  For those less fortunate, locate a city sponsored warming center near you.

Watching national coverage on the weather has made me less sympathetic.  Pennsylvania was hit recently by an equal nasty storm, but they declared states of emergency.  Atlanta gets hit by 2.5 inches of snow, and its call out the national guard!  Glad US taxpayers had to play for southern states refusal to buy a couple of salt trucks.

Once more the south is in the news for an ice storm.  Predicted .5 inch cover.  Power outages will happen, but this time they are ready.  State of emergency has been declared, school has been cancelled, and hording has occurred.  Really?  All this for ice that will stick around for less the 24 hours, as temp are predicted at 40F the next day.  Here's my advice for those that are not critical workers.  Stay home, and take the day off to try and enjoy that family you've been working so hard for.

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