Thursday, March 09, 2006

Caffeine Nation

I never really realized how badly we all seem to be addicted to caffeine. I myself have always enjoyed a cup of Joe, and growing up in the Jolt and Mountain Dew generation, one would think caffeine is old news. In fact, Amanda says its her substitute for cigarettes. Who can argue against that, so why should any of this be a big deal?

Well, I had one of those eye opening (no pun) moments of how bad the need for caffeine has become. While I was skiing in Colorado, I stopped off for food at the little lodge thing on the top of the mountain. My choices for beverage... water and some power caffeine drink. I mean seriously, what's up? It's cold, your flying down the hill, wind in your face for a descent of some 2,000+ feet...and your feeling tired!?! Holy crap man, how the heck did you manage to drive to the place. In case you wonder, I opted for water.

But really, these caffeine drinks are everywhere. On campus, they've invaded the vending machines, now composed of half the beverage selection. I've even seen them at the movie theater. Really, to the guy that needs caffeine at the theater because he's falling asleep, get a clue. I can't wait to stop by the pro golf shop after I play the front nine, so I can re-energize for the back nine. Lord know the sport needs it. Pray your local hospital doesn't decide to stash this stuff in its vending machines, probably to late. Makes you rethink that testicle surgery.

In closure, I would like to thank Red Bull, for getting us safely home from our 19 hour drive back to MSU.

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