Tuesday, March 14, 2006

How low can you go

While Bush's ratings are hitting new lows, he's opted to go on tour to promote his successes in health care and Iraq.

Wow, so these are topics of highlight. Not good. As long as the deaths of American troops are swept under the carpet each day while Iraqi police, military, religious, and civil (such as schools and markets) buildings are being bombed, I don't see what we have to be proud of. Just looking at the news today, should we be proud that 71 bodies have been found in 30 hours in Iraq, or that the British are pulling out troops? How about the great news how civil war tensions in Iraq are higher then ever.

Then there's that other success, Heath care. After reading about the 2 month report card on Medicare, and other articles, this is certainly a low, "high point".

I'd just like this administration to be prepared for something since they weren't ready for Katrina, 9/11, new Medicare switch, Iraq. Heck, thanks to Bush's absendence (sp?) programs in schools, even our youths are ill prepared for the inevitable...hormones. Maybe President Bush will be ready for his inevitable move out.

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