Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Podcasting Cross Country

Before my drive across the country, I opted to revisit the world of podcasting. I figured since I didn't have satellite radio, and did have an MP3 player, that perhaps I'd get some type of renewed driving experience.

Some history:
When I first heard of podcasting, my reaction was not very positive. More of the thought of some dork with a microphone that felt they needed more than just a blog. After diving in, my thoughts were correct. Even the people I had respect for, such as Techie man Kevin Rose, had crap shows. So I walked away.

It seems the dorks have been pushed into the cold dark corner they came from, and many professional podcasts are online. So many I had no idea where to start. So I tried some "podcast search engines". This was a mistake, everyone has different top 10 lists along with horribly organized results. So, I decided to go with content I already knew.

My first stop was Nature Journal. You know academic science stuff. It was pretty good, except the British accents were so thick, I had no idea what they were saying half the time. Next, I looked for NPR's car talk. Sure enough, they had podcasts, but they wanted money. Geez, I already donated, now they want more money from me. Forget it, what I really need is Tivo for the radio. I looked for "Car Talk" like podcasts and was just overwhelmed, more creepy people from that dark corner of the internet. Out of frustration, I ended my search.

While listening to the Nature podcast, they promoted another podcast called The Naked Scientist. They sounded really interesting, but with a name like that, I don't see how I would have known they were real scientists from Cambridge University, and fully clothed no less. Not to mention, a little late, since I was already on the road. But there was hope, Kudos to Iowa for having Wireless access at their Rest Areas.

In closure, if anyone has a favorite podcast that may be of interest to my ideals (tech, science, comedy, cars) give a yell.


Anonymous said...

Look on iTunes for...
- This Week In Tech
- Diggnation
- Inside the Net
- Digital Life TV
- Ask a Ninja
- CommandN
- DailyGizWiz
- MacBreak
- Talk Crunch
- the Web 2.0 Show
- Tiki Bar TV

Jeff said...

Whoa, is that the Ninja guy from MSU?