Sunday, March 19, 2006

Spring Cleaning

The term "Spring Cleaning" has a whole new meaning as a home owner. Sure there's the usual, "see what the broke outside during the winter" evaluation. And of course the "why the hell was I holding on to that again" question is raised. These I expected. What did come to a surprise, more of an upset really, is what showed up after the winter snow thaw. Trash, and lots of it across my front lawn. Sure this is certainly a down side to living on a busier road then a cul de sac, but really does it have to be this way? The most common artifacts that have been donated to me by the shit heads of Lansing include: McDonald's cups (complete with straw) , coffee cups from the local cafes, QD Orange Juice, and of course cigarette butts.

I took the time to drive slowly on my road and observer the trash along the roads. Sure enough, trash its everywhere. People just don't seem like they can handle their own trash in their cars.

As someone that used to smoke, I couldn't stand the smell of a cigarette butt put out in my ashtray of the car. So tempting to just toss it out the window, yet at least I had some type of conscious for what was going out my window. So I sucked it in, and killed the butt in the car. Actually, it was one of the reasons that made me quit. Living in Michigan, we're a bit spoiled due to the wetter climate, which allows people to take the "cigarette will just go out when I toss it out" attitude. Yet when I was in Colorado 2 weeks ago, they were already having forest fires out of control, not to mention Texas was once again burning. Cause is generally due to people throwing flammables from their cars. From the Texas Department of Transportation, "Each year more than 1 billion pieces of litter will accumulate on Texas highways. Of those, 13 percent are cigarette butts. That means 130 million butts will be tossed out in Texas alone this year." Maybe people a unconsciously trying to put out their flying flammables with their flying drinks.

Its a damn shame we care more about people driving 5mph over the speed limit, then people that are polluting. If this is Gods Earth, and we're Gods children, that makes us lousy caretakers. Think of that piece of trash you through out your window, next time your in Church.

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