Friday, May 05, 2006

Platform 2008

I was thinking about what's gonna be on the platform for the 2008 elections. There's no doubt, Republicans will try to steer voters off the subject concerning Iraq and Natural Disasters, while Democrats will avoid abortion. Which begs the question, what can we debate about in 2008?

Here's my top 10---

~ Democrats hate foreigners and deport them at gun point (Viva Elian). Republicans love and embrace immigrants, and welcome them to take jobs that Americans on welfare won't even do.

~ Democrats have sex in the White House. Republicans promise to practice abstinence.

~ Gays are trying to have rights again.

~ WWJD? Jesus loves Republicans.

~ Democrats want to take away your GUNS!!! Republicans will only cut back on the military grunts guns and armor.

~ Look! A three headed monkey (or white whale)!

~ Democrats want to make peace, heal the environment, and love one another. We can't have a panzie like that in a time of war. Oops, did I just mention a war, because I didn't.

~ Democrats kill baby embryos in the name of science, Republicans imprison baby embryos in cryofreeze and toss any extra out in the trash in the name of reproduction.

~ Schools/Healthcare/Social Security. I say if this is still an issue, then both Dems and Republicans suck. Its time we give a different party a shot at President.

~ Got Gas? Republicans will promise more drilling, nevermind if it will only buy us a year. Both sides will talk about alternative sources and with no real headway. Meanwhile the Green party will say, "I told you so."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uhmm… Isn’t your first bullet-point reveresed? Shouldn’t it be that “Republicans hate foreigners deport them at gun point…”and “Democrates love and embrace immigrants…”? Since you seem to be unhappy with the Platforms of the Republicans – perhaps even the Democrats, perhaps you should do what *I’ve’* been doing: volunteering for a politician you believe will standup for your views/beliefs. I’ve been volunteering for the Ned Lamont for US Senate campaign in order to remove Joesoph Lieberman (D-CT). -CT/NY