Sunday, May 14, 2006

Road Kill Patrol

A new observation about the quasi-country. My road has roadkill, and lot's of it. I'm amazed over the amount of creatures that end up legs up, or at least I think those were legs. Driving into work, often makes me feel like I'm in the old 80's game Moon Patrol. As I fly along speeds of 55mph, while I zig and zag around multiple road piazzas or soon to be. One I saw fall out of the sky...into my driveway! Although I've lived less then a year at my house, at least 3 car accidents can be chalked up due to animals crossing. I'm starting to understand why a motorcyclist needs to have their bike engine so loud. Survival.

By no means do I fault the little furry creatures. I'm in their environment. I often have to give that reality check to hunters that say there's a over population of animals and they need to be shot, or they'll starve. Nevermind, you built your house in their living room.

Now, if only that damn skunk that likes to keep warm under my dryer vent would go out to play with one of those Harley Hogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I be mighty disappointed in you, Jeff… As a graduate of “Moo-U”, I’d a thunk ya wood-a noone bout that fine kulinary quisine kalled Road-Kill. Okie-dokie, then… let me edgumakate-ya. Take a gander at this webbie-siety – they gots all kinds of tasty recopies for road kill