Sunday, July 16, 2006

Axis of Evil - Israel?

Okay, so we already know that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. We also know the Lebanese government has no power to stop the terrorist organization in their country. Yet, until last week, I never really considered Israel a terror group. Yet, let's look at the bottom line. Terror group kidnaps some Israel soldiers. Israel responds with terror. Launching strikes on apartments, airports, bridges, gas stations a depots, TV studios, even on the Lebenon capital which is no where near the southern boarder. These don't exactly sound like military targets. More like acts of terror to fight terror. Sadly, all this will create are more zellots on both sides. I mean seriously, 2 lost soldiers have led to hundreds of innocent deaths already. Please, don't buy the crap. There's more on the table then we see at this point.

Then there's our wonderful US response. Blantly favoring Israeli actions with words like "right to defend themselves" Um, yeah...launching planes and artillery pieces into another country is an offense...not a defense.


Anonymous said...

Hey jeff, whuz up. I just read an article from about the shitstorm that's been flying around the blogosphere regarding the ongoing Mideast crisis. I decided that I would see for myself what was being said, and after plugging in "Israel/Lebanon" into blogspot's search box, I found you, Jeff.

Well, Jeff, let's begin today's lesson:

"...we already know that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. We also know the Lebanese government has no power to stop the terrorist organization in their country."
- With this you are clearly suggesting that Lebanon should not be held accountable for this escalation and that Israel has no reason or right to attack targets in Lebanon.
Let's concede that Lebanon does not have the ability to disarm Hezbollah. In fact, I will even suggest that allowing Hezbollah into the government is the first step in the disarmment and deradicalization process. Neverheless, the fact remains that a native Lebanese group (unlike the PLO in the 1980's)is launching attacks on Israel from Lebanese soil. If Lebanon's goverment is unable to rein them in, then someone else will have to do it. Either Lebanon is a sovereign state and it must control its own people, or they do not have sovereignty and Israel will have to take care of Hezbollah.

"Israel responds with terror. Launching strikes on apartments, airports, bridges, gas stations a depots, TV studios, even on the Lebenon capital which is no where near the southern boarder. These don't exactly sound like military targets."
- You are implying here that Israel is targeting sites that have no connection to Hezbollah and their militant (terrorist) activities. Instead, they are purely civilian targets taken out for the sole purpose of terroring innocent Lebanese civilians.
Well, Jeff, let's understand something about Hezbollah and Lebanon. You see, hezbollah does not operate in secret cells that hide under the subways and pop out for spectacular terrorost attacks before diddappearing again. Instead, Hezbollah is a paramilitary organization that actually controls large swaths of the country. They utilize the airports, roads, bridges, and gas stations to move themselves and their weapons around. If Israel would not have destroyed these, Hezbollah would easily be able to rearm itself after every rocket attack into Israel. Now that these supply lines are destroyed, they have no way of replacing what the fire or what is destroyed by the Israelis. Would you not agree that the infrastructure then becomes a valid target?

- oops - i've got to go. maybe we'll continue some other time.

Jeff said...

2 months later, Hezbollah has already rearmed. So what exactly came from the conflict? Death, which in turn creates more recruits to fight against Israel.

Anonymous said...

Just a kid here sorry for bothering you. About 3 years ago you posted that thread... I may be late to respond but I want to know your opinion about my following statement. Your last sentence was:"Um, yeah...launching planes and artillery pieces into another country is an offense...not a defense." How do you respond to something like the best defense is an offence or the best offence is a defence. Thank you for opinion.