Sunday, July 16, 2006

Democracy is Da Bomb

The other day, Bush pointed out to the President of Russia how great democratic countries are, using Iraq as an example. Yes, democratic countries are truly the best. Mr Putin, just look at all the great democratic countries like Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, Venezuela, Somalia and Rwanda. A thing of beauty.

Interesting, our biggest allies in the middle east, Saudi Arabia, are not a Democratic nation. Yet we praise them and pump trillions of dollars into their coffers each year. What kind of message is that supposed to say to the younger fragile democratic countries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

STAY THE COURSE!!! What’s With You Liberal Democrats?!?!! You obviously don’t understand that them Israelis are doing exactly what our Great President has done and is doing in Iraq. Shoot first, ask questions later – no matter the degree or type of misbehavior. We have to put them Arabs in their place. Only us conservative Republicans can show how people in all countries of this world can live a good, conservative Judeo-Christian way life. Jesus is coming! God Bless America and the National Rifle Association! - CT/NY