Saturday, August 05, 2006

Death Turns the Blind Eye

Tens of Thousands march in the streets in support of Hezbollah in Baghdad. Chants ranged from "Death to Israel", to "Death to US". For those that are counting, that's 4 times more people to take the streets then when the US "liberated" Iraq. Congratulations go out to the people of Israel, in their attempt to create more terrorists through acts of terror.

My personal favorite is the overall timeline. Israeli bomb bridges, streets, airports on day one. Then they drop leaflets to tell civilians to get out of south Lebanon. Never mind they can't because Israel just blew away the means of transportation. Never mind the next day, Christian neighborhoods, Red Cross supply vans, and evacuation buses were bombed by Israel; along with the civilians in the south.

Now how about those civilians being killed in the Israel north, by the random short range missile attacks? Hmm, well if southern Lebanese are expected to leave, why not northern Israelis. No, they stay, more double standards. Then again, Americans stayed put when a Cat 5 hurricane was barreling down on them. urhaps people just like their homes.

Now, in both cases, the US government turned their backs on both the dangers of hurricanes in New Orleans, and the conflicts in the Middle East.


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!! Of course the Bush Administration should take the position of “turning their backs” (AGAIN). Fact: Fundamentalist Christians are a major part of the Republican Party’s base. Fact: Evangelical Christians believe that what is happening in the Middle East WAR is fulfilling a Biblical Prophecy: Armageddon – the final battle between good and evil when the good Christians will triumph over the evil heathens like Muslims. Praise the Lord and our Born-Again-Christian President! We should “stay the course” because he and the Republican Party will guide us to the Promised Land – in Heaven. [If President Bush was born in Connecticut, went to a prep school in Massachusetts, and attended a college in the northeast, why does he talk like he was born and raised in Texas?] ~CT/NY

Jeff said...

The scarry thing is when someone asked why would a person of faith wish armageddon on their children, family, and loved ones. The chilling answer is that they'll all be saved before the destruction happens.

Scarry, that our President belongs to a faith that encourages the second coming through death and destruction.

So, let me make this statement now. If a beam of light comes from the heavens and wisks up all the Evangelical Christians and Scientolgists. I owe everyone a beer.