Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Today is a good day, for 3 time senator Lieberman has been outed in the primaries. A little personal history, Lieberman was the man that truly made me dislike Democrats. With his anti-privacy beliefs to his lack of protecting American rights, I leaned heavily on Bush when Gore/Lieberman ran in 2000. The strange thing was, little did I realize how much the Republicans have followed Lieberman's ideals (or is that vise versa). Today, year 2006, Lieberman and Republicans are one of the same. Lieberman's voting record lately makes that clear.

Lieberman claims that the Democrats need to stay together, yet now that he's lost. He is running as an Independent. So much for staying together. Damn it Lieberman, just get it off your chest, and run as a Republican. Many think Lieberman will split the Democratic votes in November. But just wait. He may very well split the Republican votes just as much.

This a truly a sign that them Democrats a turning a new leaf. With Lieberman out, and Hillary Clinton muted as of late, it may be time to look into a "common sense" Democrat. I'm sure if Lieberman loses as an Indy, he can always take that job at Fox News.

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