Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Dem with Minerals?

America was re-introduced to the notion that some (not many) Democrats actually have the balls to stand up and preach historical accuracy. Of course, I'm talking about the recent interview between Bill Clinton and Chris Wallace on Fox News. It is historical fact that Clinton did go after Osama bin Laden. I remember when the US launched 75 Cruise Missiles into Afghanistan, wiping out some of the al Qaeda training camps. (CNN News clip). Also, I remember the Republicans (Trent Lott) claiming Clinton was "wagging the dog" due to the whole Monica fiasco (also in 9/11 commission report). That's right folks, Republican wanted to talk about Monica's dress, and not the growing threat of terrorism. In addition, The head of the CIA for both Clinton and Bush, John McLaughlin, does confirm Clinton pursued Osama aggressively.

Today, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice claims "that the Bush administration aggressively pursued the group even before the 9/11 attacks." But she fails to state what they did. THAT IS MY POINT!!! What the heck did Bush do before 9/11? Can some one out there tell me and back it up with facts? There may be no way to prove the insiders and assassination attempts either administration had. But air strikes are something we all can see and confirm. Something Bush failed to follow up on.

FYI, I would have put the link to the interview that was on Youtube, but Fox News has demanded that they all be removed. I was unable to open the clip at Foxnews on 2 different systems, as their streaming sucks.

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