Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pump Repulicans

Thank God its an election year. Man, did we ever need relief at the gas pumps. Its sure a good thing we have Republicans to manipulate the gas prices, this way we can enjoy the cheaper rates, around this time every 2 years. Did I just use the word "cheaper". Hmm, well its just not me, just about everyone is talking about how cheap gas is now. But, wait! You've been played by Republicans once more, my fellow Americans. When you've been paying $3.00 per gallon, its no wonder the common notion that $2.40 is cheap. But why is it only $2.40? Folks in the Middle East are behaving well, aside from the Americans. Hurricane season is light. Why only $2.40? Heck, we don't even get most of our crude from the Middle East.

I'll be realistic, days for gas under $1.00 are over. Instead, I'll consider $1.30 to be cheap. $1.25 was what we were paying when President Bush and his oil buddies took office in 2000. So, during Bush's office gas has DOUBLED. I challenge another president to screw us at the pumps more then Bush and manipulate the masses. Alias, I may as well enjoy the election discount.

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