Thursday, October 05, 2006

Debating the Debate

Ah yes October. Time for another season of trash talking commercials and extremely boring debates. After watching the first debate of the year for Michigan's Governor position, I'm reminded why debates drive me nuts.

Same Old, Tear Jerker Story - "Let me tell you about this family of blind albino one limbed children that lost their home because their parents lost their jobs and later divorced" Yes, spare me those stories. If you weren't campaigning, you wouldn't know about them, nor be able to exploit them. How about you tell me a story of someone you met while you were donating your time at the salvation army (years before you became a politician). You want a tear jerker, go talk to someone in Amnesty International that's been to Darfur.

Speaking for another Race/Gender Group - Nothings more dumber then seeing a grown white male up on stage trying to say what's best for another ethnic/gender/age group. For example, a pregnant teen is carrying her dad's baby. In some states, if she wants an abortion she'll need her daddy's consent, as momma was beaten into submission years ago. How exactly can a male relate to what that girl is feeling and the psychological damage thats going to result? If you can't relate (gay marriage, abortion, science, etc), then be a man, concede the question and move on.

Moderators that can't Moderate - In particular, why ask a question, if your going to let the candidate skate around your question. I understand they have their time, so let them spout about some other thing unrelated to the question. But at least after their done, say something like, "So you don't want to answer the question? Okay then, so that 3 for the Dem, and 2 for the Rep. Remember folks like golf, you want the lower score, moving on..."

Allow the 3rd Parties - Its no secret. Debates are run by the Democrats and Republicans. Non party members need not apply. Generally, the 3rd party candidates aren't even allowed in the building. If Ross Perot taught me anything in 1992, it was that 3rd party candidates have nothing to loose, and therefore might actually force the candidates to debate something. Won't want that.

Just the Facts Ma'am - We live in the 21st century, the Information Age. If someone is bullshitting, call them on it. This really gets back to the moderators not doing their expected job. It takes very little time to find public knowledge online these days. So why not show proof of the lie, and give the candidate a chance to rebuttal the facts. Now that's entertainment.

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