Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gonzales Solution

I found myself almost snoozing through the news today. Noting more info about the whole US attorneys' firings. To me, its really a simple case. So simple that we could save money wasted on all the investigations and focus more on getting this country out of the Civil War in Iraq.

Let's review the problem: US attorneys were fired for "poor job performance". Critics claim it was politically motivated.

Solution: Fuck the critics, all they do is bitch and waste time. Let's just get to the source of the problem. Department of Justice employees were fired for poor job performance. I'm cool with that, so what was the awful performance that warranted the firings? I'm basically getting at, was it any worse then the shitty job that Gonzales has done pleading his case? Has Gonzales performance been all that great?

Since we're on the subject of government employees performance. If we stand by Gonzales decision, do we not in turn "fire" Bush for his... um ... "Poor performance" in Iraq? Damn, I'm beginning to think like the Supreme Court (where one decision affects all related decisions)

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