Monday, November 03, 2008

Golden Parachutes

Everyone seems to hate people that get the proverbial Golden Parachutes. Well, every middle to lower class folk hate it when they see CEO's of companies get golden tickets for failure. We on the same page here? Good.

So this brings me to tomorrows election. To continue putting Republicans in office, is indeed no different then the golden parachute analogy. To vote Republican is to vote for the last 8 years of presidential failure, and 6 years of House/Senate failure by the Republicans.

To name a few: National debit is way up, dollar fell under Canadians, stocks plunged, housing plunged, Supreme court is unbalanced, constitutional laws have been broken, freedom and rights have been tramped on in the name of freedom, botched Iraq war under false pretense, botched war in Afghanistan due to mismanagement, Iran moves closer to nukes, North Korea gets nukes, created a military culture where 20% veterans who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder or major depression, US no longer considered a global power outside of US citizens beliefs, record low sessions held in Congress, school continue to fail, health care continues to fail, banks fail, government got bigger, Katrina response failure due to cronyism.

For me, as a former Republican, I see its time to penalize the arrogance of the Republican party. Its time to let someone else lead, and fail if need be. Its time to see what another party can do. Its time to stop the golden parachutes for the Republicans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...