Friday, February 19, 2010

Andrew Stack got it Wrong

Andrew Joseph Stack, the Terrorist that flew a plane into the IRS building, pissed off over the government screwing the middle class....Got it wrong. After reading his manifesto, it become obvious Stack lived a life with blinders over his eyes.

Specifically, I turn toward his rant about the Government bail out of the auto industry, and the association that the Government is out to squash the middle class. Well, here's some truth to taste. The Government has since ejected both the number one and number two dudes of GM. By saving GM from total financial ruin and officiating one of the quickest turn around in bankruptcy history, our government saved the #1 middle class corporate employer in the United States. Think about it, the #1 employer of the middle class (plus all those suppliers that also hire middle class employees) going under would have devastated the middle class as we know it, and this country for that matter. That's not saving big business, that's saving the middle class. Thank God, the Government stepped in, got rid of the garbage, ran the sales event cash for clunkers, and put Toyota's (GMs #1 competitor) shady business practices in its targets.

With their promise not to raise taxes on the middle class, only America's wealthy, its push for health care for all, and many other policies, this administration is probably the most gung ho for the middle class we've seen in a very long time. Then again, I wouldn't expect any less, from a president from the Midwest.

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