As the legislature and executive branches gear up for more health care debate, a 10 month old in this country is denied health care coverage. MY 10 month old! Like many Americans, one of the perks that keep me tied to my job, is its health care plan. Health care was, after all, a device to encourage workers to come to work for the particular employer. Unfortunately, in the days of rising premiums, coupled with 1% (and soon 0%) annual raises (all due to rising health care costs), the 'incentive health care model' simply does not exist.
My daughter, born in April, had a rough beginning. Collapsed lung, violent (botched) Cesarean, and weight issues, along with a long visit in the NICU, led to a hefty health bill. Never before was I as thankful for my Blue Care plan. Unfortunately, when you don't have a standard procedure kid, the amount of doctor visits, along with the usual amount for any newborn (vac and checkups, etc), is significantly higher. This led to my latest statement from Blue Care stating they won't paying anymore. No reason given of course. After some phone calls, it turns out, our daughter had reached her annual preventive health visits, ignoring her medical history.
At this time, I'm still in talks to resolve the problem.
Sharing this story really helps open my eyes to the health care problem in this country. It seems as soon as I tell the story, everyone at the table (both Democrats and Republicans) have some type of nightmare story they had to deal with regarding their health plan. Its amazing we have put up with this for as long as we have.
Based on the above, the debate going on right now has nothing to do with the baby boomer generation and older, but rather our younger generation. Like Global warming, its not about the majority in control...its about our KIDS! As one baby boomer ignorantly put it during one of the rowdy town house meeting "Get you damn government hands off my medicare". Just look at the demographic and the numbers. The baby boomer gen is already going to destroy medicare and social security in this country for the younger generations. But its a matter of covering their own ass, so to hell with their kids.
This is one debate, anyone over the age of 45 that has no interest in health care reform, needs to have a seat and shut the fuck up. Your current plans aren't going away. Ours is! Our government is already paying over 50% of the costs of health care already and tossing way too much into paying ER visits that could have been curved off by proper care. What's the harm of reforming, as we might actually break even for a change. This country is too deep routed in its course, unable to see the brick wall its headed for. Thank god for American youth and the older folks that can see past the wall in front of us. Its simply unfortunate, US Americans are so easily manipulated by false statements of ignorance and are unable to see other matters that are outside their own fishbowl.
Some "younger" dude fighting for OUR generation.
Did you know that Medicare is the worst at turning down the most out of all the insurance companies? Nothing in this world is perfect including the government run insurance. Can you give me one instance when the governemnt has done a better job then the private sector? I also have a political blog you might enjoy.
Name one? How about the US Military. Not perfect, by all means, far better then any Blackwater/militia/etc.
In fact, our socialized libraries, fire fighter, and public transportation are pretty good too.
When it comes down down certain things, like fighting for our freedom, crime, fires, etc...most americans can agree ...we'd rather have our government (either federal, local, or state) do it.
I'm not arguing that the Government can do the best health care, but rather force our current corporate systems to rethink its policies, and present something better then what we have today. And who knows, perhaps someday public healthcare will be something we can take for granted.
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