Thursday, March 04, 2010

Understanding Republican Health Care

We've all seen Republicans waving their health care plan in front of Obama. Compared to the Democrat version, this thing looks to be compiled by a high-schooler. Really, we're talking a complete overhaul of health care in the United States, a process that started 15 years ago. If anyone is going to have an alternative view, they sure better present it in a professional and detailed manner.

The Republican proposal have summary talking points in the thing (each in bold), so, time to decipher what it says, and understand why we should scrap the "Speaker Pelosi’s Government Takeover" proposal...

Establishing Universal Access Programs to guarantee access to affordable health care for those with pre-existing conditions. - Also known as VOUCHERS. You get a voucher by the government, then take that to whatever insurance company you like. So this way your tax paying dollars go to a insurance company, they take the usual percentage profit (like all payments), then send whatever little is left to the health care provider. [Result: Cost Fed money; Insurance companies make money; Uninsured would get such little help, they continue going to the ER or not at all]

Ending junk lawsuits. - Hey, no doubt malpractice lawsuits are rampant. But, if a doc leaves a condom in my spleen, I don't need the government to step in. Suing is my right! I thought Republicans must be against Government oversight, unless it involves your privacy or the judicial system. [Result: Hospitals will make more, doctors get lazy]

Prevents insurers from unjustly canceling a policy. - again this is more Government oversight of the insurance company. If we had a social plan to compete, that would encourage insurance companies from shaddy practices. [Result: Your employee health care premium will increase]

Encouraging Small Business Health Plans. - So now I need to solicite my plumber to see if he wants to go in with my IT business and build a plan for our employees. Lame. [Result: Cost Fed money]

Encouraging innovative state programs. - So, this like costs money and stuff, right? Hey, I live in Michigan. The state is broke. No way could the state afford any type of program, nor do I want to see my property taxes double. [Result: Cost Fed and State money]

Allowing Americans to buy insurance across state lines. - Does Canada count? I think I'll gets me some of that, eh.

"We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada, and I think now, isn't that ironic." - Sarah Palin

Promoting healthier lifestyles. - Get ready to have the feds make you pee in a cup and have blood tests annually. And you thought a 10 years census was bad. [Result: Cost Fed money]

Enhancing Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). - bring on the paperwork nightmare.

Allowing dependents to remain on their parents’ policies. - This just means the cost of insurance will increase for the employer. Sure the Government saves money on this one, but watch your premiums go up. I thought we were supposed to prevent that. The hurt will be passed on to you, the employee. [Result: Your employee health care premium will increase]

If republicans were serious about health-care, we would have seen a proposal during the Bush years.

1 comment:

mark mian said...

The healthcare issue is in the hands of select few republicans who happen to have excellent health coverage. We citizens don't need to change their opinions. We need to change their health coverage. The rest will follow.