Monday, May 10, 2010

Michigan Smok'n Law

Its been a few weeks now, since Michigan has enacted it smoking ban at all eating establishments (well for the most part). Primarily, there was much complaint from bar owners about how they were going to go under, regardless on how other states with similar laws manage to keep their bars open.

Small disclaimer, I'll admit to being a casual smoker myself, but that said, can't stand second hand smoke being forced onto me, my family, or the hosting staff. I prefer a cigar or pipe tobacco, which for some reason, even cigarette smokers bitched about, so really I've been banned from smoking in bars/restaurants for some time anyways. For the most part people adapt right? Its what we're supposed to do best. Here are the observations I've made since the law has been acted...

People drink more beer, earlier and longer. Without having that cig to play with, they play with the glass, the bottle, anything to keep those obsessed fidget oral needs satisfied. The winner: the bar owner. The markup on beer/drinks is CRAZY! What the hell, without cigarettes, now people will have more money in pocket to spend on that over priced brew.

Family friendly sport bars. While I love me a good burger at a sports bar for lunch, I'd never bring in the whole family, simply put, too much smoke. But that has all changed. Over the cheers of basketball hoop shots, now you can hear someones kid crying. Course, they need to invest in some highchairs for the youngsters. The winner: bar owners.

Expanded lounge section. Remember waiting in line for a seat, and being pissed that the entire lounge section has 50 open seats with 3 people at it (mostly smokers). Now those sections are opening for additional seating, with full menu options. That's less people leaving for a shorter line elsewhere, and more over priced food being sold. Winner: the consumer and owner.

No more catering to one group. Smokers are a burden on a bar owner. They need to buy and upkeep air scrubbers, ash trays, and deal with burn marks. All that overhead is now gone. That means the price will go down on beer right? Winner: owner.

Mob-sters. With everyone taking a step outside to smoke, you now have all these drunks yelling and hooping it up on the public 6 pm! With such a group, can't really tell, where the line is to get in. And what's up with the lines anyways, thought this was supposed to hurt business. Expect more public urinating, screaming and basic laws of decency being broken. Winners: no one. Be prepared to walk the kids in the street, it'll probably be safer then walking through a crowd of drunks smoking and swearing about the new laws.

Laptops at the bar. Dear god, I never thought I see this day when a laptop, ugh...multiple laptops begin to show up at my favorite Irish brew-ha-ha. I wonder it it helps get the girl in the end of the day.


Anonymous said...

Smokers are weak people who perform oral sex on strangers to get ahead in life.

Anonymous said...
