We need the government to monitor the health situation around here, people are already getting sick.
Geez, weren't you folks fighting public health care just a few months ago?
The Government should completely take over for the BP efforts
Great idea, then the administration can be the liable party when more bad shit happens. Damn shame the gov has no clue/crew/or equipment to save the day.
The Gulf states deserve more royalties from all the oil wells, that way we can build protection barriers.
The Gulf states have been making billions of dollars from these off shore rigs, where the hell did all that money go? Not into protecting their assets.
Louisiana has three main economic revenues. Fishing, oil, and tourism.
Amazing, how when you combine the 3, you get a whole lot of hurt. I see many interviews from the fish and tourism industry. I'd like to hear something from the local oil workers, maybe a grunt from the refinery or something. Disasters and mooching from US Taxpayers are becoming a huge part of the Louisiana economy.
"Obama's Oil spill"
More like Bush's second Katrina. We've had 8 years of deregulation, cosing up with inspectors (literally sex going on in one case), and way too much corruption. Obama did fail, in not rolling back some of the Bush policies quicker.
Why isn't the Government saving the coastlines.
Well, they can't. It ranks up there with trying to stop the nuclear cloud from looming over your house after a nuclear power plant goes nova.

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More regulations? Less regulations?
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