Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 in Politics

Its the 5 year anniversary of 9/11. The attacks by a terror organization we still to-date have no idea who is truly responsible for the attacks. Whilst its sad to think of the lives that have been lost that day, its even sadder to see who has monopolized on the event. From insurance scammers to polotitions, 9/11 has become one big soap box. George Bush will be addressing the nation tonight, to trumpet his policies and his fight against those that hate freedom. Just as he did for the 2004 elections, Bush will be using 9/11 as his main, well, only platform.

This sad really. How long can we continue to be led by a platform of fear. How long will Republicans be milking a national tragedy. Its almost as if republicans had something to gain from the event 5 years ago. Take a big breath folks. Its not the same country it was 5 years ago. We have less freedom, less privacy, and less rights. Hmm, I'm still waiting for the administration to actually show proof of a plane hitting the Pentagon. And, how exactly did cell phones work on Flight 93 which went down in Pennsylvania? Guess I have no right to ask.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff, Jeff, Jeff… Please be careful. Your comments are on the boarder of being unpatriotic. No, you do not have the right to criticize our commander and chief -- the greatest president this country has ever had. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you’d been out in the sun too long... As though you had been in some remote island paradise sipping Mia-Tias or some other faggy-exotic drink while we here on the “main-land” pound-down a few brewskies and dealt with reality:: kicking the ass of them Iraqis who took down the Trade Center on 9/11. A majority of people in the US and the Military know believe this to be true... Even VP Cheyne said so on Meet the Press last Sunday – that there’s a connection between 9/11 and Saddam. He/they would not lie to the people of this country. Stay the Course! ~CT/NY