Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Price for H2O

Its a typical sci-fi storyline. The Earth's become a wasteland making water the number one resource over anything else. Oil, gold, plutonium, all useless without the lifeblood known as H2O. Wars break out, people die, cheesy ending pursues.

That's the scenario I think of while I'm shoveling out $3.00 for bottled water. Government officials are always talking about price gouging, perhaps they need to look at the gouging of water. Two scenarios come to mind.

Sporting Events.
Many Sporting venues, mostly college, banned ticket holders from bringing in liquids due to the smuggling of alcohol in unmarked containers. The result, high pricing on beverages. They gotcha, now there'll screw you.

Airport Terminals
Thanks to the newest terrorist threat, we can no longer bring water/liquids past security. The result: $3 water. That's, $3 water you have to toss before you get on the plane.

Just wait, I'm sure it won't stop there. Soon we'll have to dump the liquids before entering government buildings, high rises, or even work. I say screw investing in oil, time to invest in water. We'll make a profit from anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But look what would happen if them "Tree-hugging" Democrats where in charge: They'd make more laws to require towns and cities to have stricter laws on things like water-purity which would mean higher taxes to build better water treatment plants, water-main-lines, etc. Think of all the jobs that will be LOST if this happens: from airport security personnel to to the people at the bottling plants. And don't forget the OIL-based chemical companies who make those plastic bottles. All for what?? Free Water, Clean??? Vote Republican. Republicans will take care of the economy. -CT/NY