Monday, April 11, 2011

Playful Marketing

Setting up a playset for my kid this weekend. This pic is the "demo" pic from the Gorilla website:

First thing you see, when opening the instructions are several pages of safety warnings.

Here's a sample:

Unit Capacity: This playset is designed for the use of 4 occupants on the elevated floor, 3 occupants on the swing area, for a total Unit capacity of 5 occupants.
So, I count seven rug rats in the pic.

On-site supervision is required.
Someones gonna have to tell little Billy in the purple shirt, he'll need to break that toddlers fall when the kiddo jumps, as there's no way an adult is going to make it in time.

Protective Surfacing: Asphalt and concrete are unacceptable. Similarly, grass and turf should not be used.
That looks like grass turf to me.

Yes, yes, I know this is simply a stock photo for marketing. But considering the photo is on every delivery box, the least they could have done was abide by their standards.

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