Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lost View of the Tower

While MSU is making final decisions on the fate of a decaying visible icon, a different view of a university structure will be silenced without fanfare. I'm referring to the view of Beaumont Tower that can be seen along the Red Cedar Rd corridor. With the construction of the new Morrill Hall (Well Hall extension), this view will be no more. For years, visitors that drive in via the Trowbridge entrance have been greeted by a fabulous view of the tower as they round the corner onto Red Cedar Rd. In a way, it reminded me of MSU's version of France's historical axis, or a drive to the Lansing Capital, where you can see the building of interest, in the middle of the road.

While the image from my crummy camera doesn't capture how awesome the view had been, it gives the general idea. While recent tree cover has hidden some of the view, the Red Cedar River had a reputation for downing trees over time with its erosion. This will certainly be a view that will be missed.


Anonymous said...

Gee... You people in Michigan sure have a lot of negative things happening in your state. ~CT/NY

Anonymous said...

I've made that drive and walked through there as a student at least 500 times and have never even noticed that you can see it.

Anonymous said...

oh noes, blocked view of a college bell tower. The Wells Hall Expansion is providing new space for the language departments and the Religious studies departments, allowing our university to be better at EDUCATING PEOPLE. Wells Hall is also a campus landmark.

Anonymous said...

When there are leaves on the trees, you can not see the tower except for an extremely small part of the top.

Anonymous said...

Dear Proponent of the Wells Hall Expansion:
Please tell us where and how often -- in all of the publications and paraphernalia about and for Michigan State University -- is Wells Hall used, ESPECIALLY compared to Beaumont Tower. Is Wells Hall used as a symbol for MSU? Is Wells Hall on MSU's diplomas? NO!!! In addition, are you aware of how many acres of land MSU has? You're an IDIOT!!! ~ct/ny