Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cuisinart - 3 Years and OUT!

I've been communicating with a Cuisinart Rep about my blender that lasted about 3 years...and died while crushing frozen ice. Yes its the blender that can't blend.  In the end, we both lost. Cuisinart will not stand by their product line, nor will I ever buy their product.  While looking for a replacement, found some reviews on a similar product, pathetic.

For gory details...

------------ Original Message -------------------
I own a Cuisinart Smartpower Blender, Model CB-600FPBW for about 3 years. The motor blew out while blending frozen fruit. The purpose of buying a Cuisinart brand was for the expected reliability from such a product. Unfortunately, this does not seem like the case as the Cuisinart blender lasted no longer then our generic Target brand. Before coming to that conclusion, I#39;d like to give the company a chance to respond to this problem. The power LEDs still light up, but no other response.


Valued Customer,

Thank you for your inquiry. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Based on the information you have provided, we need the model number, serial number and the color of the unit. The model and serial number can be found on the bottom of your unit. We will also need to know whether or not this unit has been replaced previously. Please reply, with history, to this email, providing us with the required information so we can further assist you.

Cuisinart Customer Service Representative

 Here#39;s some of the additional info: Model CB-600FPBW Serial: XXXXXXX Color: Black thanks, Jeff

Valued Customer,

Thank you for your inquiry. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Based on the information you have provided, your unit is out of warranty. If you have a proof of purchase that states you have had the unit for less than 3 years, please let us know. We will be able to provide you instructions on how to obtain a warranty replacement under that circumstance.

Cuisinart Customer Service Representative
Unfortunately, we no longer have the receipt. I#39;d say its around the 3 year limit. Regardless, should a Cuisinart product fail from something a simple as blending frozen fruit? Is this what I can come to expect from the Cuisinart brand and support when the product fails?


Dear Jeff,

Thank you for your inquiry. As you stated the unit is right there on the 3 year limit so in our experience it was probably a combination of a few things that may have caused the unit to malfunction not just blending frozen fruit. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Based on the information you have provided, your unit is out of warranty. If you have a proof of purchase that states you have had the unit for less than 3 years, please let us know. We will be able to provide you instructions on how to obtain a warranty repair under that circumstance. You are also able to send the product and/or any broken parts (Please do not ship any glass) to our warehouse for an out of warranty repair. We ask that you include a $10-check/money order for the return shipping of the repaired item. The unit and/or parts will be reviewed and you will be notified of the cost of the repair. We ask that you use any traceable shipping method so that you may track the shipment. Please email us with your approval that you wish to proceed along with your shipping info if not already provided so that we may give you a notification number and address where to ship the product to for the out of warranty repair.

If you have any further questions please reply, with history, to this email. We welcome you to call our Customer Service Department at...

Cuisinart Customer Service Representative

What few things are the probable causes to the product? Is a 3 year lifespan expected from any Cuisinart product? If correct, this does not give me much faith in the product, nor the brand. A 3 year life expectancy rate equates to a poor product, and avoidance of the brand. I understand, mechanical products will break over time. A blender trucking along for 10 years would lead me to purchasing the same brand as a replacement; 3 years, not so much. With the economy as tight as it is, poor PR is the last thing a company needs, yet that's exactlythe path taken by Cuisinart CSR.

Dear Jeff,

We would like to think all of our customers are satisfied customers. It always concerns us when we hear of a product that has not met this ideal. If we are not providing you with the product you have come to depend on for quality and value, we are truly sorry you are not satisfied with our products. We welcome and invite your concerns. Your comments will be passed along to our Marketing, Engineering and Quality Assurance Groups for review.

Cuisinart Customer Service Representative

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