Friday, June 10, 2011

Michiganders forced more Lies.

The new business oriented Michigan Governor, Republican Snyder, has recently passed his new budget plan for the state. Within that plan, he lowers taxes for businesses, and raises taxes on some pensions, cuts grade school education funds, and cuts higher education funds to compensate for the loss of revenue. Basically he's pushing an agenda he never mentioned while running for office. Where have we heard that before? Really, this is no surprise, the dude is gonna make millions for his own personal portfolio with the new budget plan.

He uses the usual canned speech about how these are hard decisions, for hard times in Michigan. Doom and gloom, the state is in dire straits, etc. Classic Chicken Little material that scares the crap out of the masses. Yet, shortly after everything had passed successfully for the Governor, the state magically found several hundred million dollars, laying around. I believe that's called a surplus.

So I yell Bullshit! The state of the state is fine. Michigan auto industry (Ford and GM) both are in the top 10 of the Fortune 500 club. Overall Michigan has 22 companies in the 500. Breaking it down by state, Michigan ranks 7th in the amount of fortune 500 companies (22). That's a total of 530 billion in revenue for those companies.

Sure the state's census has dropped. But the majority loss was from non college educated folks leaving for non union jobs in the south. In fact the tech and insurance sectors (along with other higher educated positions) are desperate for qualified workers.

[EDIT: Additional sources about Michigan]

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