Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This IS Class Warfare

So Obama is being accused of starting class warfare by dropping the tax cuts for the rich.  Depending how you do the numbers (such as excluding payroll taxes and calculating how the income is earned) the rich can pay less percentages then the middle class. I'd say there's been class warfare for quite some time. Jobs were not created when Bush put the tax cut law into place, so why would we loose them with the cuts removed?  There is no evidence.

People - we have FEMA with no funds, due to global disasters; we haven't figured out how to pay for Homeland Security, whom is building a bigger complex then the Pentagon; nor have we allocated funds for our wars that are approaching 10 years.  The US debt has nothing to do with stimulus, Obama-care, schools, bargaining rights, planned parenthood, or social security.  Its all related to our money vacuum created after 9/11.  The fight on terror has never been put into a budget.  Its never been capped.

The good people of the 1950s, knew in order to pay off the debt from WWII and put people back to work, they had to pay high taxes.  Well, guess what.  The conflicts in the past decade have budgetary surpassed WWII, yet it would appear US citizens have no backbone to pay for the fight on terror.

Then there's jerks like this, that just make me say you want class warfare?  ....bring it.

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