Wednesday, October 26, 2011

iOS 5 update crash

So, I tried to update my iPod Touch to version iOS 5.  At about 25% install, the process crashed, Windows expressing a USB error, resulting in turning my device into a temporary paper weight.  After rebooting and failing again, it was time to pay more attention to the error from Microsoft.

The Setup:
I was updating my device via the USB hub, built into my Dell monitor.  Computer - Windows XP, ASUS mainboard.

The Reason:  
Not enough voltage/power was being produced to complete the upgrade.

The Solution:
Connect your device via its provided cable into a USB port directly on the system.  Preferably the back port, as the front USB may be divided such as a monitor hub.

The Mystery:
Why can I sync data this way, but not commit to an OS update?  Why do other USB devices warn you its not going to work properly if low power is detected; yet the mighty Apple device does not?

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