Monday, February 06, 2017

Trumps Travel Ban vs Actual Attacks/Attempts

So just how misplaced is Trumps travel ban?

Purpose:  I recognize extremist cells exist in all Middle East countries.  However, I also recognize from a travel ban perspective the fact that radicalization, whether foreign or domestic, can happen anywhere.  We may as well fence off some of our own states, given historical attacks on our soil.

A highlight when creating this map, are the Islamic domestic perpetrators were not from immigrants, but rather the immigrants children whom have become disenfranchised with the hate toward them in US culture.  Trump promise to only bring in those that love our country, does not account for those born in this country, where lies the threat.

In the Yemen case, the perpetrators were born in the US.  Somali & Kuwait; was a Naturalized Americans.

Source Data:  Excluding Cyber Attacks as the ban would not apply to traveling.

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