Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Its The Night before the Republicans Take Office

Today Don't Ask Don't Tell will be dead. A push by the Democrats to create equal rights and the same freedoms to those that fight and die for their country. The majority Republicans including John McCain, fought killing DADT, arguing with 2 wars going on, the timing is all wrong, and disrupt whats going on in the battlefield.

Oh, yeah...I forgot the US is still stuck in 2 wars.

Funny, the Republicans forgot too, as just last week they fought to keep the tax cuts for the rich, adding more to the budget deficit then Obamas bloodied health bill (or TARP for that matter). How the hell are we supposed to support the troops; 2 wars, when we can't even get the rich to make sacrifices. Lord knows, their kids aren't the ones on the front lines. You want to disrupt the battlefield, how about cutting the Defense budget, which is exactly what Republicans have done with the support of an unfinanced tax cut for all.

The argument against stopping the tax cut for the wealthy? More money for the rich, would translate to more of their spending. Yet stats show, the rich tend to invest their money more, and not go on a shopping spree like the damn middle class. Well, what about better deals and lower prices? Well, look at the airlines telling us we have to pay for carry-on luggage. Turns out, that was 100% profit. Profit that will never trickle back down to the masses.

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