Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Bad Apple

It would seem someone in the mass media finally wrote an article about the inaccuracies Steve Jobs touts around in all his presentations. This article references the latest iPad keynote speech, seen in full at CNN-Money.

Watching an Apple keynote these days is comparable to watching Fox News. Your simply dished a spoon of bull with every viewing. Both Apple and Fox news would call this 'Marketing'. Again, like Fox News, looking at the comments in the CNN article, people just don't care they are being lied to. Even when the evidence is right in front of them. The majority of the comments throw hate at the author, and lots o love for Apple.

My biggest issue I have in this case, Apple doesn't have to lie like this. They have the better product in the mobile OS tablet market (Note: I didn't say tablet market). Unlike most Americans, I'm not content with the lies and distortions. I'll stick with my tablet touch PC that is fairly unknown.

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