Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Child Seat Recommendations

It is now recommended children under the age of 2 years, continue riding in a "rear-facing" child seat. This differse from the under 20 pound recommendation. The idea is that rear facing is a safer position in the case of vehicle accidents. Generally this is true, no matter what age, as the neck is supported better in this position. But alas, there is a problem to this rational.

My child is 21 months, just shy of the 2 year age limit. With rear facing child seats, it generally involves the bottom of the child's seat to be flush with the back of the standard vehicle seat. With this arrangment, once the kid is a certain height, you basically have to twist the child's legs into a pretzel like arrangement. Coupled with trying to stap her in while in such an awkward position, I suddenly feel like I'm one of the stage hands for some type of Houdini like performance.

As side from the loss of circulation my kid would have while in this position, it would seem in the event of an accident, her foot would get lodged in her face. This just seems like someone is tossing out ideas, but not really thinking them through on a practical level.

Oh, and happy birthday Houdini ...the man that couldn't escape Detroit.

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