Thursday, July 28, 2011

Juan Williams Redefining Bigotry

Juan Williams, the NPR/Fox News dude that had been fired from NPR for sharing his personal opinion about his fear of Muslims in garb at the airport, is currently touring the media circuit publicizing his new book.  I've heard him on Jon Stewart, I heard him on Diane Rehm's Show, and I heard him on O'reilly.  In all 3 programs he's defined himself as not being a bigot because he has written books about "[African-American] Civil Rights Movement" and Justice Thurgood Marshall.  Regardless of what NPR did, this is the WTF moment for me.

An example.  If a white tone male, born in Panama,  wrote a book about the First US president, and a book about the Irish immigration struggle, then go on and talk about a fear of black people in the airport.  Would you conclude the speaker is a bigot?  Could go either way, debatable. But NPR never called Juan a bigot either, nor is he being 'Muzzled', he simply broke the rules of good journalism. HOWEVER, I would conclude Juan has some major cultural issues he needs to over come, perhaps by joining a reach-out program, or some good old fashion hard core therapy. If you fear Muslims at the airport, then you just let the terrorists win.

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