Friday, August 12, 2011

Its crap like this Apple - iPod Touch

To criticize the Bible, one must first own and read the Bible. 

So I needed some type of hand held device for a 1000+ mile road trip.  Something that would keep my 2 year old occupied during the long haul, yet something I could use myself (as I do not own a smart phone, due to ridiculous rates).  So I settled with the iPod Touch (4th Gen).  What's taken me so long to get something like this?  The iTouch simply doesn't have all the features I would like, such as HDMI output or GPS, while other devices have poor battery tests, or cost around $400 without the damn phone plan.  But, I'm in a pinch, and no one wants to loan a $200+ device to you after you tell them its for your 2 year old.

I absolutely can't stand the monopoly Apple has on their products and terms of service.  I have no idea how its even legal what they do.  Yet again, I was hard pressed to find something else for $250.  Anyways, here's a list of gut wrenching moments so far, as I step into the world of Apple.  Keep in mind, these are easy to fix issues, and not a limitation of the hardware.  Also assumes I'm not jail breaking the device.

  • You can't touch iTouch till you install iTunes. Device won't go to menu without itunes.
  • I hate iTunes.   Did you know iTunes installs server process on your system, without asking you?  Other bloatware included.
  • You can't copy/paste pictures to the device.  You MUST use iTunes.
  • You can only copy over folders of images, and not individual images.
  • If you delete an image that is on your device from your computer, you get a blank pic on your device.
  • You can't rotate images.  So if you import a sideways image, it'll keep turning on its side, as you turn the device.
  • Majority of games in itunes are micro-transaction whores. 
  • Device does not ship with standard wall charger, USB only.  More nickel and dime crap.
  • Apple cripples the bluetooth from using two-way headsets, so if planning to use an earbud, plan on jail breaking.
  • major OS updates will delete all data from your device, forcing you to re-sync with your master PC.
  • Does not break down passwords or allow saved passwords per application, on a case-by-case basis.
 Okay this is a hardware gripe:
  • The camera is horrible, do not use it.  Even the iPhone has a better camera.
This list is a work in progress, and I'll add and remove them as I use the device more.

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